Sunday, May 4, 2008


this will be my last blog. i doubt i'll ever make another blog again unless required, but ive enjoyed sharing opinions and such with all of you. its been fun and writing class was one of my more enjoyable classes (and one that i actually went to). I hope everyone has a fun summer. i will probably see u all in more business classes next year. peace.

It's almost over...

the school year is almost over, and it feels great but at the same time this can be the most stressfull week of all. finals are coming up and everyone feels unprepared for a test that could be crucial to their overall grade and gpa. i think its important to study this week and schedule your time and sleep wisely to be best prepared for each test. but i think its more important for everyone to relax a little. things can get stressful and u might feel like u should be doing some kind of studying all the time, ive gotten used to this feeling alot, but everyone should remember to saved a nice amount of time to just sit back and chill. your books will still be there, but ur mind can only focus for so long. enjoy this last week. you may not see these people til september or possibly never again.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

I agree with liza's blog about blogging. i usually dont like to speak out my opinions unless they are asked or i really feel it is necessary. i would have to agree with her generalization of bloggers and that some of us just dont fit that stereotype. i also would not have a blog if it werent for the grade for this class. hel its 11:59 right now and im just bullshitting to get the second blog done by midnight.
its 3:42 in the morning. im here with ryan gasssssss n some fools. listen if u lay down n start spinnin, dont lay down its no good, ur fucked, so chill out n sit up for a while n talk wit ryan gass. so here i am wasting time until i can fall asleep. i decide to bog. blog about tonight. tonight was rainy and it sucked. ryan tells me hes about to fabricate a stroy to tell u i would encourage u to read his blog. hes transferring next year and youll never see him. hes a good dude, ya know? so here it is 3:46 and i still cant sleep. i hear this kid typin behind me and god knows what he could b typing. i sorta ran outa shit to say. i just felt like i need to blog tonight. i hope everyone enjoyed thir sATURDAY night its been real good lcuk god bless peace love out.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Im so glad i have a GPS system. i've had a TomTom gps since the middle of the summer and it saves me alot of stress. if you work at a job where you drive alot or you commute for aything else, i would suggest investing in one. yesterday 2 of my friends and I went on a road trip to albany for a business function and my TomTom made the drive so much less stressful. we had to leave by 7 in the morning saturday and left albany by 1230 that same night with roughly a 3 hour drive both times. the gps got us directly where we needed to go and we were able to relax for the ride. it was nice. 

Happy Holidays

I would like to wish everyone a happy 420. this may seem silly to some because this day is often viewed as a lazy day for everyone to smoke weed. but i think 4/20 has developed a whole new meaning. it has come to symbolize a day for everyone who believes marijuana should be legalized or decriminalized to celebrate the ongoing fight for weed freedom. so people everywhere today will be greeted with a smile and maybe even a "happy holidays" or "happy 4-20" just to say hey, its okay to blaze today. so enjoy your night and happy 420 to all. 

Make Me A Sandwich Bitch

Bitch, make me a sandwich!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Re: South Park vs. Family Guy

this is in response to waimon's blog about south park and family guy. i am deffinately in agreement with her in this case. both are quality shows and very entertaining as i have many seasons of both on dvd. but when it comes down to it south park is just the dominant force. our 4th grade friends have been around (yet only moving up one grade) for what 10 or 11 seasons. if family guy cant last that long with its run on jokes and random flash backs, some of which very predictable, i would be very impressed. now dont get me wrong im a long time fan of family guy but my true loyalty would have to go with south park if it came down to it. their jokes are just much wittier and a little more relevant to current events and comical societal trends, not to mention the episodes just flow better, but then again family guy is kinda goin for the randomness. and they do a pretty good job with it (like the rediculous fights with peter and the chicken suit guy haha) but i just hope they can keep it up because south park with always stay fresh.

SASP loves pee-ers

last night my friend keith had a rather entertaining encounter with our friendly party pooper patrolmen.  i understand they have a job to do and whatnot, but i also think their job is kind of bullshit. aright so they we are walkin up toward the upper quads, its about 2:00 or so and relatively no one in sight. so my humble friend decides nature is calling and he must pee. so like any guy he finds the closest tree thats not in the open and takes care of business. but what do u know, sasp conveniently comes around the corner and stands behind him watching him pee until he finishes. after my sincere and apologetic friend turns around from his not so public tree sasp decides to judicially refer him for public urination. now i understand hes outside on campus but cmon he was peeing on a tree and it wasnt even in the open at all. i hope i made it as uncomfortable as possible as they wrote down all the crap they needed to because i didnt shut up. i dont really know where im going with this just kind of ranting but it was a ridiculous situation and had to be laughed at. this is one of the many reasons i think sasp is unnecessary. keith would have been much better off if he was just risking a cop seeing his backside while facing a tree, since sasp were the only other people in sight besides me. well that was kinda the highlight of my night and if i offended anyone that is SASP.... well eat it, this is my blog.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Re: College kids having sex? Whaaaaat?

This is in response to amanda's blog about college kids having sex. i totally agree with amanda in that nothing short of a herpes epidemic is going to stop college kids from having sex. an abstinence group is going to have as much affect on college kids as jahova's witnesses would going door to door in a college dorm. there will be some that will think they "see the light" and become or stay abstinent until marriage. but i think most college kids will still just hook up, and why? the author of the article above puts it best, "because they were attracted to their partner." stats like the ones given in this article could easily be manipulated and bullshitted. i also agree with some of the opinions stated in the article. i dont think sex should be put on a pedestal so much. according to Freud every action the human makes is motivated by either sex or aggression. i think taking sex out of the equation would change things quite a bit. sex can be a very healthy act. they say abstaning will increase future marital sexual pleasure. i disagree. i think the things you experience along the way would make things even better. why be all pent up and inexpierienced and make things difficult after marriage. i dont think theres a good enough reason ive heard of to abstain from sex until marriage. just practice safe sex and know a little bit about ur partner and all will be well.

False: staring at breasts prolongs like by 5 years

i had recently been reading josh's blogs and one grabbed my attention.
In this blog was a link to an article that said there was a study done that showed 10 minutes of staring at nice boobs each day wil prolong a man's life by 4-5 years. after showing my stats professor he sent me a link disproving it:
So it looks like we cant substitute boob-ogling with real exercise. this is disappointing to know but i will continue to look a breasts for whatever reason i choose.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Old guy or old lady?

I had a rather interesting and comical argument with my friend mike yesterday. as we were talking about movies or somethin, half baked came up and he said something about the character scarface. this then led to us quoting and re-enacting the scene where he quits the burger place. if you've never seen the movie or only once you probably have no idea what im talking about, but for those that know it better you may be able to help. as he quits he says, "fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, fuck you, im out." the person he says you're cool to is a very weird skinny old person with frizzy gray hair and huge glasses. as we commented on this i referred to the person as an old guy and he said, "what! no way. thats an old lady. absolutely." we then started getting alternate opinions and it seemed everyone i asked agreed with me and everyone he asked agreed with him. we even brought up a sketchy video clip of the scene on youtube because youtube has freakin everything. even after watching the video several times and pausing the 4 of us in the room, split 2 and 2 still disagreed. if anyone knows the true sex to this mystery old person, please comment or blog back.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Re: Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

This is in response to stefan's blog about beauty. i agree with the title in that beauty is truly in your own mind. but i think that he contradicts himself when saying that beauty is based on perfection. i think beauty is greatly opinion based and by comparing everyone's many aspects to a set "perfection" you are stating that there is one thing defining beauty, being the distance one is from perfection. i disagree because this almost states that beauty is measurable and everyone should know what perfect is and how close one is to it. beauty is all in our minds. although many will agree the same things are beautiful, there are still things some people will view as very beautiful while others see it as the opposite. for instance, a blizzard; some would say this is terrible and its disgusting out while i would view it as a beautiful day that you just cant drive in. the same is true with people; ive had arguments with friends over how pretty a girl was, both of us with opposing views. this shows that there is no one perfection. whats perfect is different for everyone.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Deer Tirds

As i was walking back from writing class today i cut across the grass in one spot on my way to emerson. once on the grass, i noticed a pile of poo i was about to step on, so i quickly changed my step and avoided it only to find several more piles of poo laid out like landmines. don't worry.... i got past them with no doo on the shoe. but the placement of these droppings is not my worry so much right now. as i walked away, triumphant over the dung, i began thinking about the many piles of deer stool and their distinct shape. now i have no obsession with any excrement from animal or human and "two girls one cup" sickened me too, nor have i studied the feces of other specific animals, but why do deer crap neat piles of perfect balls? i mean everyone poops and everyone has almost or has stepped in shit, so someone must be pondering this same query also. although as seemingly or just plain out weird this may seem, im now curious as to why these animals' fecal matter are consistent round balls. i dont know if anyone will take this seriously and find an answer, but for now i am baffled. maybe i'll look it up on wikipedia.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Re: Re: britney

i agree with liza about the marketing techniques of the Bratz Dollz company. sex does sell and can be a very useful technique in advertizing and branding. but to use sex and materialism in products directly marketed for young girls under the age of 10 is just wrong. although the simple fact that the dolls are made to be pretty and skinny doesnt anger me all that much. any doll that you find will either be an attractive person, whether it be a buff army guy or a sexy blonde, or extremely ugly like a monster or dragon. i dont think its wrong to have kids play with toys like this. i know that the common person looks nothing like these figures but nonetheless they are more visually appealing and much easier to market and sell. it may seem wrong to have kids idolizing "unreal" figures, but i think it is equally as wrong to have them idolize mediocrity and fully accept that they cant do anything with their appearance or physical ability. toys are always made to be somewhat extreme in appearance, this makes them more appealing. but toys like bratz dolls go beyond just their appearance. theres always a story behind any toy or figure, and that is where these companies do so much wrong. the companies that liza mentions all focus on sex and being sexy and doing superficial things. and to think that theyre all geared towards girls under 10! as a marketing major i plan to learn how to be successful without exploiting little girls. i also plan on being a parent one day and i dread the day that my 9 yr old daughter asks me to buy something because it will look "sexy".

Re: Re: Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

i thought these blogs about sleep were very interesting and definitely related to me as my whole day and its productivity were affected by my unusual sleep patterns. i agree with amanda that its not so easy to just go to bed earlier so you can wake up earlier. since i can remember ive always preferred staying up late and dreaded the earlier mornings. it doesnt matter what time i go to bed, if i have to wake up before 9, let alone before sunrise like in highschool during the winter, i am undoubtedly going to be tired and not fully functional. but this isnt to say that everyone should start classes after 9 or 10. ive known alot of people that truly enjoy mornings. i dont understand it fully but hey, if u can get up at 6 and get your shit done and be happy about it, i say go for it. as for me i prefer to sleep until im rested and the sun is fully shining. i do think that our irregular sleep habits have negative affects on us. last night i went to bed at sunrise, which meant that after getting up for brunch i had to take a nap. once asleep again, there was no motivation strong enough to get me out of bed. i missed an opportunity to go snowboarding and a meeting. although these werent all that important i feel bad that sleep affected my day so badly.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Re: Ithaca is Gorges... or is it?

I think Ithaca is gorgeous. lists like these about the top whatever about colleges are pretty stupid, i think. i dont know who does most of these lists or how the information is collected, but it just doesnt feel like theyre that accurate. at least some of the rankings about colleges like the most drinkers or smokers are based on some sort of statistics or numbers. beauty is a matter of opinion. there are plenty of places all around the world that by some people's standards would be considered ugly, but the inhabitants would almost always beg to differ. i think ithaca is a beautiful place and above all else has the most incredible skies day by day than anywhere ive ever been.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Project 1

As always, i am resenting the fact that i have to write a 5 page paper as i do not normally enjoy writing. but i do enjoy a good argument and this paper has proven to not be so bad. at this point i've spent more time reading for my own interest and pleasure than i have researching and writing this paper. i have an even greater new found respect for the Beatles (my topic) after all the reading ive done. i personally enjoy their music a lot and ive been listening to some of their music while reading and writing about them. reading about specific aspects of certain songs that were important and such while listening to those songs made me directly relate to what i was reading. the more i wrote about and read about global warming the more i never wanted to hear it again. but he opposite is true for this subject. ive become pretty engrossed in the work of the Beatles now. i hope other people have found something while writing their papers or maybe have a new perspective on an issue. i look forward to reading some people's arguments and hearing their feedback on my own.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Grand Opening of the Business Building

On friday I went to the grand opening of the new business building. they didnt say much in the invitation about what we would be doing besides talking to fellow business students and also business professors. i went with ryan, both of us thinking this would be a good opportunity for us to either get aquainted with the new building and /or with our future professors. it turned out to be alot different than expected. they had a seperate section for people with proof of age to buy alcohol but they couldnt leave the area with any alcoholic drink. so this pretty much separated the professors and few attending seniors from all of the rest of the students for about the first hour. this made it a little awkward for me and ryan since we got there on time, assuming there would be some kind of presentation or speech that we wouldnt want to get there late for. although we all seemed to make the best of it and still met some professors and fellow students, i feel like it could have been organized differently or had a central theme besides finger foods and an isolated alcoholic section. on the up-side, we did get to eat some pretty good food for free and everyone looked real sharp. it was kinda fun to see who showed up that we knew(especially from writing class) and how they looked dressed formally.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

today i had an argument on the balcony of clarke hall 2nd floor balcony on the side facing the road. i was with my friend mike and i commented how only this balcony is covered from site by trees. we then started talking about what trees that last all year are called as i wasnt sure of the term evergreen but i was almost positive that deciduous trees go dormant in winter. my friend duncan called at this time and i posed the question to him hoping he would randomly know. he wasnt positive but was almost wiling to bet that year-round trees were called residuous and didnt know the other term. knowing he was wrong i called my dad, sure that he would know. it turned out that deciduous trees go dormant and evergreen trees stay alive all year, yet they use less energy (he just had to add that in there along with some other boastfull landscaping knowledge). this wasnt that exciting but it was the only real argument of the day.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Re: Re: Nicked and Dimed

I felt the need to respond to this because i am a former temp housing resident and i disagree with some of the claims she is making. I can empathize in the fact that I also would have liked to have a study and tv lounge for the first semester. Just because i lived in one doesnt mean it was any type of real study lounge for me either. And as far as the "perks" and "benefits" went, considering there were 4 of us, the fridge and cable saved each of us about $60 and the cable only had 20 channels. Although possibly a rare case, the tv lounge in my building didnt work and wasnt fixed for most of the semester anyway. The $250 ID Express(which most kids used for books) and the $560 room rebate, i think of as compensation for worse living conditions. 4 people and furniture for 6 in a room that is incredibly hot isnt worth $2800 a semester to me. While you resented our "huge rooms" and benefits, we resented your private, simple, reasonably-temperatured rooms. after writing this now i realize how irrelevant what she said about temp housing was anyway. if she is contrasting our benefits for an unwanted room to her loss of a lounge that wouldnt make sense because we didnt have a lounge to use for its intended purposes either. i agree that there shouldnt have been such an issue with temp housing to begin with, but there was, and the fact that we were compensated for it doesnt really have anything to do with the issue of us not getting our $40000 worth or not having free internet. and free printing is dope. it shouldnt be something else to complain about it should be something positive. someone should post something good about our college. i like ithaca.