Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Deer Tirds

As i was walking back from writing class today i cut across the grass in one spot on my way to emerson. once on the grass, i noticed a pile of poo i was about to step on, so i quickly changed my step and avoided it only to find several more piles of poo laid out like landmines. don't worry.... i got past them with no doo on the shoe. but the placement of these droppings is not my worry so much right now. as i walked away, triumphant over the dung, i began thinking about the many piles of deer stool and their distinct shape. now i have no obsession with any excrement from animal or human and "two girls one cup" sickened me too, nor have i studied the feces of other specific animals, but why do deer crap neat piles of perfect balls? i mean everyone poops and everyone has almost or has stepped in shit, so someone must be pondering this same query also. although as seemingly or just plain out weird this may seem, im now curious as to why these animals' fecal matter are consistent round balls. i dont know if anyone will take this seriously and find an answer, but for now i am baffled. maybe i'll look it up on wikipedia.

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