Sunday, March 2, 2008

Re: Re: Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

i thought these blogs about sleep were very interesting and definitely related to me as my whole day and its productivity were affected by my unusual sleep patterns. i agree with amanda that its not so easy to just go to bed earlier so you can wake up earlier. since i can remember ive always preferred staying up late and dreaded the earlier mornings. it doesnt matter what time i go to bed, if i have to wake up before 9, let alone before sunrise like in highschool during the winter, i am undoubtedly going to be tired and not fully functional. but this isnt to say that everyone should start classes after 9 or 10. ive known alot of people that truly enjoy mornings. i dont understand it fully but hey, if u can get up at 6 and get your shit done and be happy about it, i say go for it. as for me i prefer to sleep until im rested and the sun is fully shining. i do think that our irregular sleep habits have negative affects on us. last night i went to bed at sunrise, which meant that after getting up for brunch i had to take a nap. once asleep again, there was no motivation strong enough to get me out of bed. i missed an opportunity to go snowboarding and a meeting. although these werent all that important i feel bad that sleep affected my day so badly.

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