Friday, March 28, 2008

Old guy or old lady?

I had a rather interesting and comical argument with my friend mike yesterday. as we were talking about movies or somethin, half baked came up and he said something about the character scarface. this then led to us quoting and re-enacting the scene where he quits the burger place. if you've never seen the movie or only once you probably have no idea what im talking about, but for those that know it better you may be able to help. as he quits he says, "fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, fuck you, im out." the person he says you're cool to is a very weird skinny old person with frizzy gray hair and huge glasses. as we commented on this i referred to the person as an old guy and he said, "what! no way. thats an old lady. absolutely." we then started getting alternate opinions and it seemed everyone i asked agreed with me and everyone he asked agreed with him. we even brought up a sketchy video clip of the scene on youtube because youtube has freakin everything. even after watching the video several times and pausing the 4 of us in the room, split 2 and 2 still disagreed. if anyone knows the true sex to this mystery old person, please comment or blog back.

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