Friday, March 21, 2008

Re: Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

This is in response to stefan's blog about beauty. i agree with the title in that beauty is truly in your own mind. but i think that he contradicts himself when saying that beauty is based on perfection. i think beauty is greatly opinion based and by comparing everyone's many aspects to a set "perfection" you are stating that there is one thing defining beauty, being the distance one is from perfection. i disagree because this almost states that beauty is measurable and everyone should know what perfect is and how close one is to it. beauty is all in our minds. although many will agree the same things are beautiful, there are still things some people will view as very beautiful while others see it as the opposite. for instance, a blizzard; some would say this is terrible and its disgusting out while i would view it as a beautiful day that you just cant drive in. the same is true with people; ive had arguments with friends over how pretty a girl was, both of us with opposing views. this shows that there is no one perfection. whats perfect is different for everyone.

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