Thursday, February 21, 2008

Project 1

As always, i am resenting the fact that i have to write a 5 page paper as i do not normally enjoy writing. but i do enjoy a good argument and this paper has proven to not be so bad. at this point i've spent more time reading for my own interest and pleasure than i have researching and writing this paper. i have an even greater new found respect for the Beatles (my topic) after all the reading ive done. i personally enjoy their music a lot and ive been listening to some of their music while reading and writing about them. reading about specific aspects of certain songs that were important and such while listening to those songs made me directly relate to what i was reading. the more i wrote about and read about global warming the more i never wanted to hear it again. but he opposite is true for this subject. ive become pretty engrossed in the work of the Beatles now. i hope other people have found something while writing their papers or maybe have a new perspective on an issue. i look forward to reading some people's arguments and hearing their feedback on my own.

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