Sunday, February 17, 2008

Grand Opening of the Business Building

On friday I went to the grand opening of the new business building. they didnt say much in the invitation about what we would be doing besides talking to fellow business students and also business professors. i went with ryan, both of us thinking this would be a good opportunity for us to either get aquainted with the new building and /or with our future professors. it turned out to be alot different than expected. they had a seperate section for people with proof of age to buy alcohol but they couldnt leave the area with any alcoholic drink. so this pretty much separated the professors and few attending seniors from all of the rest of the students for about the first hour. this made it a little awkward for me and ryan since we got there on time, assuming there would be some kind of presentation or speech that we wouldnt want to get there late for. although we all seemed to make the best of it and still met some professors and fellow students, i feel like it could have been organized differently or had a central theme besides finger foods and an isolated alcoholic section. on the up-side, we did get to eat some pretty good food for free and everyone looked real sharp. it was kinda fun to see who showed up that we knew(especially from writing class) and how they looked dressed formally.

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