Sunday, April 13, 2008

SASP loves pee-ers

last night my friend keith had a rather entertaining encounter with our friendly party pooper patrolmen.  i understand they have a job to do and whatnot, but i also think their job is kind of bullshit. aright so they we are walkin up toward the upper quads, its about 2:00 or so and relatively no one in sight. so my humble friend decides nature is calling and he must pee. so like any guy he finds the closest tree thats not in the open and takes care of business. but what do u know, sasp conveniently comes around the corner and stands behind him watching him pee until he finishes. after my sincere and apologetic friend turns around from his not so public tree sasp decides to judicially refer him for public urination. now i understand hes outside on campus but cmon he was peeing on a tree and it wasnt even in the open at all. i hope i made it as uncomfortable as possible as they wrote down all the crap they needed to because i didnt shut up. i dont really know where im going with this just kind of ranting but it was a ridiculous situation and had to be laughed at. this is one of the many reasons i think sasp is unnecessary. keith would have been much better off if he was just risking a cop seeing his backside while facing a tree, since sasp were the only other people in sight besides me. well that was kinda the highlight of my night and if i offended anyone that is SASP.... well eat it, this is my blog.

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