Sunday, April 6, 2008

Re: College kids having sex? Whaaaaat?

This is in response to amanda's blog about college kids having sex. i totally agree with amanda in that nothing short of a herpes epidemic is going to stop college kids from having sex. an abstinence group is going to have as much affect on college kids as jahova's witnesses would going door to door in a college dorm. there will be some that will think they "see the light" and become or stay abstinent until marriage. but i think most college kids will still just hook up, and why? the author of the article above puts it best, "because they were attracted to their partner." stats like the ones given in this article could easily be manipulated and bullshitted. i also agree with some of the opinions stated in the article. i dont think sex should be put on a pedestal so much. according to Freud every action the human makes is motivated by either sex or aggression. i think taking sex out of the equation would change things quite a bit. sex can be a very healthy act. they say abstaning will increase future marital sexual pleasure. i disagree. i think the things you experience along the way would make things even better. why be all pent up and inexpierienced and make things difficult after marriage. i dont think theres a good enough reason ive heard of to abstain from sex until marriage. just practice safe sex and know a little bit about ur partner and all will be well.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Thanks for the positive feedback! Finally!