Friday, March 28, 2008

Old guy or old lady?

I had a rather interesting and comical argument with my friend mike yesterday. as we were talking about movies or somethin, half baked came up and he said something about the character scarface. this then led to us quoting and re-enacting the scene where he quits the burger place. if you've never seen the movie or only once you probably have no idea what im talking about, but for those that know it better you may be able to help. as he quits he says, "fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, fuck you, im out." the person he says you're cool to is a very weird skinny old person with frizzy gray hair and huge glasses. as we commented on this i referred to the person as an old guy and he said, "what! no way. thats an old lady. absolutely." we then started getting alternate opinions and it seemed everyone i asked agreed with me and everyone he asked agreed with him. we even brought up a sketchy video clip of the scene on youtube because youtube has freakin everything. even after watching the video several times and pausing the 4 of us in the room, split 2 and 2 still disagreed. if anyone knows the true sex to this mystery old person, please comment or blog back.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Re: Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

This is in response to stefan's blog about beauty. i agree with the title in that beauty is truly in your own mind. but i think that he contradicts himself when saying that beauty is based on perfection. i think beauty is greatly opinion based and by comparing everyone's many aspects to a set "perfection" you are stating that there is one thing defining beauty, being the distance one is from perfection. i disagree because this almost states that beauty is measurable and everyone should know what perfect is and how close one is to it. beauty is all in our minds. although many will agree the same things are beautiful, there are still things some people will view as very beautiful while others see it as the opposite. for instance, a blizzard; some would say this is terrible and its disgusting out while i would view it as a beautiful day that you just cant drive in. the same is true with people; ive had arguments with friends over how pretty a girl was, both of us with opposing views. this shows that there is no one perfection. whats perfect is different for everyone.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Deer Tirds

As i was walking back from writing class today i cut across the grass in one spot on my way to emerson. once on the grass, i noticed a pile of poo i was about to step on, so i quickly changed my step and avoided it only to find several more piles of poo laid out like landmines. don't worry.... i got past them with no doo on the shoe. but the placement of these droppings is not my worry so much right now. as i walked away, triumphant over the dung, i began thinking about the many piles of deer stool and their distinct shape. now i have no obsession with any excrement from animal or human and "two girls one cup" sickened me too, nor have i studied the feces of other specific animals, but why do deer crap neat piles of perfect balls? i mean everyone poops and everyone has almost or has stepped in shit, so someone must be pondering this same query also. although as seemingly or just plain out weird this may seem, im now curious as to why these animals' fecal matter are consistent round balls. i dont know if anyone will take this seriously and find an answer, but for now i am baffled. maybe i'll look it up on wikipedia.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Re: Re: britney

i agree with liza about the marketing techniques of the Bratz Dollz company. sex does sell and can be a very useful technique in advertizing and branding. but to use sex and materialism in products directly marketed for young girls under the age of 10 is just wrong. although the simple fact that the dolls are made to be pretty and skinny doesnt anger me all that much. any doll that you find will either be an attractive person, whether it be a buff army guy or a sexy blonde, or extremely ugly like a monster or dragon. i dont think its wrong to have kids play with toys like this. i know that the common person looks nothing like these figures but nonetheless they are more visually appealing and much easier to market and sell. it may seem wrong to have kids idolizing "unreal" figures, but i think it is equally as wrong to have them idolize mediocrity and fully accept that they cant do anything with their appearance or physical ability. toys are always made to be somewhat extreme in appearance, this makes them more appealing. but toys like bratz dolls go beyond just their appearance. theres always a story behind any toy or figure, and that is where these companies do so much wrong. the companies that liza mentions all focus on sex and being sexy and doing superficial things. and to think that theyre all geared towards girls under 10! as a marketing major i plan to learn how to be successful without exploiting little girls. i also plan on being a parent one day and i dread the day that my 9 yr old daughter asks me to buy something because it will look "sexy".

Re: Re: Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

i thought these blogs about sleep were very interesting and definitely related to me as my whole day and its productivity were affected by my unusual sleep patterns. i agree with amanda that its not so easy to just go to bed earlier so you can wake up earlier. since i can remember ive always preferred staying up late and dreaded the earlier mornings. it doesnt matter what time i go to bed, if i have to wake up before 9, let alone before sunrise like in highschool during the winter, i am undoubtedly going to be tired and not fully functional. but this isnt to say that everyone should start classes after 9 or 10. ive known alot of people that truly enjoy mornings. i dont understand it fully but hey, if u can get up at 6 and get your shit done and be happy about it, i say go for it. as for me i prefer to sleep until im rested and the sun is fully shining. i do think that our irregular sleep habits have negative affects on us. last night i went to bed at sunrise, which meant that after getting up for brunch i had to take a nap. once asleep again, there was no motivation strong enough to get me out of bed. i missed an opportunity to go snowboarding and a meeting. although these werent all that important i feel bad that sleep affected my day so badly.