Sunday, April 27, 2008

I agree with liza's blog about blogging. i usually dont like to speak out my opinions unless they are asked or i really feel it is necessary. i would have to agree with her generalization of bloggers and that some of us just dont fit that stereotype. i also would not have a blog if it werent for the grade for this class. hel its 11:59 right now and im just bullshitting to get the second blog done by midnight.
its 3:42 in the morning. im here with ryan gasssssss n some fools. listen if u lay down n start spinnin, dont lay down its no good, ur fucked, so chill out n sit up for a while n talk wit ryan gass. so here i am wasting time until i can fall asleep. i decide to bog. blog about tonight. tonight was rainy and it sucked. ryan tells me hes about to fabricate a stroy to tell u i would encourage u to read his blog. hes transferring next year and youll never see him. hes a good dude, ya know? so here it is 3:46 and i still cant sleep. i hear this kid typin behind me and god knows what he could b typing. i sorta ran outa shit to say. i just felt like i need to blog tonight. i hope everyone enjoyed thir sATURDAY night its been real good lcuk god bless peace love out.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Im so glad i have a GPS system. i've had a TomTom gps since the middle of the summer and it saves me alot of stress. if you work at a job where you drive alot or you commute for aything else, i would suggest investing in one. yesterday 2 of my friends and I went on a road trip to albany for a business function and my TomTom made the drive so much less stressful. we had to leave by 7 in the morning saturday and left albany by 1230 that same night with roughly a 3 hour drive both times. the gps got us directly where we needed to go and we were able to relax for the ride. it was nice. 

Happy Holidays

I would like to wish everyone a happy 420. this may seem silly to some because this day is often viewed as a lazy day for everyone to smoke weed. but i think 4/20 has developed a whole new meaning. it has come to symbolize a day for everyone who believes marijuana should be legalized or decriminalized to celebrate the ongoing fight for weed freedom. so people everywhere today will be greeted with a smile and maybe even a "happy holidays" or "happy 4-20" just to say hey, its okay to blaze today. so enjoy your night and happy 420 to all. 

Make Me A Sandwich Bitch

Bitch, make me a sandwich!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Re: South Park vs. Family Guy

this is in response to waimon's blog about south park and family guy. i am deffinately in agreement with her in this case. both are quality shows and very entertaining as i have many seasons of both on dvd. but when it comes down to it south park is just the dominant force. our 4th grade friends have been around (yet only moving up one grade) for what 10 or 11 seasons. if family guy cant last that long with its run on jokes and random flash backs, some of which very predictable, i would be very impressed. now dont get me wrong im a long time fan of family guy but my true loyalty would have to go with south park if it came down to it. their jokes are just much wittier and a little more relevant to current events and comical societal trends, not to mention the episodes just flow better, but then again family guy is kinda goin for the randomness. and they do a pretty good job with it (like the rediculous fights with peter and the chicken suit guy haha) but i just hope they can keep it up because south park with always stay fresh.

SASP loves pee-ers

last night my friend keith had a rather entertaining encounter with our friendly party pooper patrolmen.  i understand they have a job to do and whatnot, but i also think their job is kind of bullshit. aright so they we are walkin up toward the upper quads, its about 2:00 or so and relatively no one in sight. so my humble friend decides nature is calling and he must pee. so like any guy he finds the closest tree thats not in the open and takes care of business. but what do u know, sasp conveniently comes around the corner and stands behind him watching him pee until he finishes. after my sincere and apologetic friend turns around from his not so public tree sasp decides to judicially refer him for public urination. now i understand hes outside on campus but cmon he was peeing on a tree and it wasnt even in the open at all. i hope i made it as uncomfortable as possible as they wrote down all the crap they needed to because i didnt shut up. i dont really know where im going with this just kind of ranting but it was a ridiculous situation and had to be laughed at. this is one of the many reasons i think sasp is unnecessary. keith would have been much better off if he was just risking a cop seeing his backside while facing a tree, since sasp were the only other people in sight besides me. well that was kinda the highlight of my night and if i offended anyone that is SASP.... well eat it, this is my blog.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Re: College kids having sex? Whaaaaat?

This is in response to amanda's blog about college kids having sex. i totally agree with amanda in that nothing short of a herpes epidemic is going to stop college kids from having sex. an abstinence group is going to have as much affect on college kids as jahova's witnesses would going door to door in a college dorm. there will be some that will think they "see the light" and become or stay abstinent until marriage. but i think most college kids will still just hook up, and why? the author of the article above puts it best, "because they were attracted to their partner." stats like the ones given in this article could easily be manipulated and bullshitted. i also agree with some of the opinions stated in the article. i dont think sex should be put on a pedestal so much. according to Freud every action the human makes is motivated by either sex or aggression. i think taking sex out of the equation would change things quite a bit. sex can be a very healthy act. they say abstaning will increase future marital sexual pleasure. i disagree. i think the things you experience along the way would make things even better. why be all pent up and inexpierienced and make things difficult after marriage. i dont think theres a good enough reason ive heard of to abstain from sex until marriage. just practice safe sex and know a little bit about ur partner and all will be well.

False: staring at breasts prolongs like by 5 years

i had recently been reading josh's blogs and one grabbed my attention.
In this blog was a link to an article that said there was a study done that showed 10 minutes of staring at nice boobs each day wil prolong a man's life by 4-5 years. after showing my stats professor he sent me a link disproving it:
So it looks like we cant substitute boob-ogling with real exercise. this is disappointing to know but i will continue to look a breasts for whatever reason i choose.