Sunday, February 24, 2008

Re: Ithaca is Gorges... or is it?

I think Ithaca is gorgeous. lists like these about the top whatever about colleges are pretty stupid, i think. i dont know who does most of these lists or how the information is collected, but it just doesnt feel like theyre that accurate. at least some of the rankings about colleges like the most drinkers or smokers are based on some sort of statistics or numbers. beauty is a matter of opinion. there are plenty of places all around the world that by some people's standards would be considered ugly, but the inhabitants would almost always beg to differ. i think ithaca is a beautiful place and above all else has the most incredible skies day by day than anywhere ive ever been.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Project 1

As always, i am resenting the fact that i have to write a 5 page paper as i do not normally enjoy writing. but i do enjoy a good argument and this paper has proven to not be so bad. at this point i've spent more time reading for my own interest and pleasure than i have researching and writing this paper. i have an even greater new found respect for the Beatles (my topic) after all the reading ive done. i personally enjoy their music a lot and ive been listening to some of their music while reading and writing about them. reading about specific aspects of certain songs that were important and such while listening to those songs made me directly relate to what i was reading. the more i wrote about and read about global warming the more i never wanted to hear it again. but he opposite is true for this subject. ive become pretty engrossed in the work of the Beatles now. i hope other people have found something while writing their papers or maybe have a new perspective on an issue. i look forward to reading some people's arguments and hearing their feedback on my own.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Grand Opening of the Business Building

On friday I went to the grand opening of the new business building. they didnt say much in the invitation about what we would be doing besides talking to fellow business students and also business professors. i went with ryan, both of us thinking this would be a good opportunity for us to either get aquainted with the new building and /or with our future professors. it turned out to be alot different than expected. they had a seperate section for people with proof of age to buy alcohol but they couldnt leave the area with any alcoholic drink. so this pretty much separated the professors and few attending seniors from all of the rest of the students for about the first hour. this made it a little awkward for me and ryan since we got there on time, assuming there would be some kind of presentation or speech that we wouldnt want to get there late for. although we all seemed to make the best of it and still met some professors and fellow students, i feel like it could have been organized differently or had a central theme besides finger foods and an isolated alcoholic section. on the up-side, we did get to eat some pretty good food for free and everyone looked real sharp. it was kinda fun to see who showed up that we knew(especially from writing class) and how they looked dressed formally.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

today i had an argument on the balcony of clarke hall 2nd floor balcony on the side facing the road. i was with my friend mike and i commented how only this balcony is covered from site by trees. we then started talking about what trees that last all year are called as i wasnt sure of the term evergreen but i was almost positive that deciduous trees go dormant in winter. my friend duncan called at this time and i posed the question to him hoping he would randomly know. he wasnt positive but was almost wiling to bet that year-round trees were called residuous and didnt know the other term. knowing he was wrong i called my dad, sure that he would know. it turned out that deciduous trees go dormant and evergreen trees stay alive all year, yet they use less energy (he just had to add that in there along with some other boastfull landscaping knowledge). this wasnt that exciting but it was the only real argument of the day.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Re: Re: Nicked and Dimed

I felt the need to respond to this because i am a former temp housing resident and i disagree with some of the claims she is making. I can empathize in the fact that I also would have liked to have a study and tv lounge for the first semester. Just because i lived in one doesnt mean it was any type of real study lounge for me either. And as far as the "perks" and "benefits" went, considering there were 4 of us, the fridge and cable saved each of us about $60 and the cable only had 20 channels. Although possibly a rare case, the tv lounge in my building didnt work and wasnt fixed for most of the semester anyway. The $250 ID Express(which most kids used for books) and the $560 room rebate, i think of as compensation for worse living conditions. 4 people and furniture for 6 in a room that is incredibly hot isnt worth $2800 a semester to me. While you resented our "huge rooms" and benefits, we resented your private, simple, reasonably-temperatured rooms. after writing this now i realize how irrelevant what she said about temp housing was anyway. if she is contrasting our benefits for an unwanted room to her loss of a lounge that wouldnt make sense because we didnt have a lounge to use for its intended purposes either. i agree that there shouldnt have been such an issue with temp housing to begin with, but there was, and the fact that we were compensated for it doesnt really have anything to do with the issue of us not getting our $40000 worth or not having free internet. and free printing is dope. it shouldnt be something else to complain about it should be something positive. someone should post something good about our college. i like ithaca.