Sunday, May 4, 2008


this will be my last blog. i doubt i'll ever make another blog again unless required, but ive enjoyed sharing opinions and such with all of you. its been fun and writing class was one of my more enjoyable classes (and one that i actually went to). I hope everyone has a fun summer. i will probably see u all in more business classes next year. peace.

It's almost over...

the school year is almost over, and it feels great but at the same time this can be the most stressfull week of all. finals are coming up and everyone feels unprepared for a test that could be crucial to their overall grade and gpa. i think its important to study this week and schedule your time and sleep wisely to be best prepared for each test. but i think its more important for everyone to relax a little. things can get stressful and u might feel like u should be doing some kind of studying all the time, ive gotten used to this feeling alot, but everyone should remember to saved a nice amount of time to just sit back and chill. your books will still be there, but ur mind can only focus for so long. enjoy this last week. you may not see these people til september or possibly never again.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

I agree with liza's blog about blogging. i usually dont like to speak out my opinions unless they are asked or i really feel it is necessary. i would have to agree with her generalization of bloggers and that some of us just dont fit that stereotype. i also would not have a blog if it werent for the grade for this class. hel its 11:59 right now and im just bullshitting to get the second blog done by midnight.
its 3:42 in the morning. im here with ryan gasssssss n some fools. listen if u lay down n start spinnin, dont lay down its no good, ur fucked, so chill out n sit up for a while n talk wit ryan gass. so here i am wasting time until i can fall asleep. i decide to bog. blog about tonight. tonight was rainy and it sucked. ryan tells me hes about to fabricate a stroy to tell u i would encourage u to read his blog. hes transferring next year and youll never see him. hes a good dude, ya know? so here it is 3:46 and i still cant sleep. i hear this kid typin behind me and god knows what he could b typing. i sorta ran outa shit to say. i just felt like i need to blog tonight. i hope everyone enjoyed thir sATURDAY night its been real good lcuk god bless peace love out.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Im so glad i have a GPS system. i've had a TomTom gps since the middle of the summer and it saves me alot of stress. if you work at a job where you drive alot or you commute for aything else, i would suggest investing in one. yesterday 2 of my friends and I went on a road trip to albany for a business function and my TomTom made the drive so much less stressful. we had to leave by 7 in the morning saturday and left albany by 1230 that same night with roughly a 3 hour drive both times. the gps got us directly where we needed to go and we were able to relax for the ride. it was nice. 

Happy Holidays

I would like to wish everyone a happy 420. this may seem silly to some because this day is often viewed as a lazy day for everyone to smoke weed. but i think 4/20 has developed a whole new meaning. it has come to symbolize a day for everyone who believes marijuana should be legalized or decriminalized to celebrate the ongoing fight for weed freedom. so people everywhere today will be greeted with a smile and maybe even a "happy holidays" or "happy 4-20" just to say hey, its okay to blaze today. so enjoy your night and happy 420 to all.